Dimock Center has received a $2.5 million grant from the Yawkey Foundation

March 14th, 2023

The Dimock Center has received a $2.5 million grant from the Yawkey Foundation to establish a 39-bed post-detox clinical stabilization services unit for men and women in Roxbury. The unit will provide support services for individuals who have completed inpatient detox for substance use disorder and will allow them to stay in their community for the entire substance use treatment journey. The grant supports the renovation and expansion of the historic Dr. Marie E. Zakrzewska Building on The Dimock Center’s campus. This is the first post-detox clinical stabilization program for men in Boston, and it will serve more than 1,000 people annually. The Yawkey Foundation has been a partner of The Dimock Center for 25 years and, prior to this $2.5 million grant, had provided $3.65 million in grants since 1998.

To learn more about expanded substance use treatment services at The Dimock Center, visit dimock.org/restoringhope and read their press release here.